Back and Jurong Lake Gardens! This is surelya popular spot especially for clients who live in the west! I love it too because I stay in the west haha. Although i've been here many times, this place is big and vast and has many different spots for photos. I recently noticed the hills and how it can be a picturesque spot for photos as well, fortunately the boys loved running up and down the hills and that gave me the opportunity to capture a different angle perspective of the Grasslands. The grasslands now is bare of any lalang, i think they all died? It is probably seasonal. But during times when the lalang is not present, it is nice to do other types of scenery at this location. I really loved my time with this family and their sweet and energetic boys. I really appreciate it when parents do their very best to make this 'foreign' experience a fun and engaging one for the little ones as well. We all know kids go out not thinking its time for them to look at the camera and smile at a stranger, so during the little in between moments i try my best to interact and familiarise myself with them. Get to know what makes them smile and engaged with their parents to capture their natural happy moments.