Lor Halus! The other alternative for lalang landscape. I would say that the vegetation here was more brown and most of it was long grass rather than actual lalang. In any case, this was one of those mornings where the sun was scorching right at 730am and the absence of any shade at this area was not the most ideal. The boys were soaked 20 mins in but we made the most of it! Mama and meimei stayed fresh so I focused more on her lovely spontaneous expressions when mom played and talked to her. The older brother took quite a lot of time to get into a good mood so we just let him play his toys and take a break while i focused on meimei who was GIVING ME ALL THE FEELS. To date, this girl has given me one of the more exuberant and funny expressions. After that gorgor was in a much better mood so I was able to get some decent family shots right at the last minute!